Coastline Academy Updates Its Covid-19 Mask Policy

Published on 2023-04-01 in Coastline Academy

Update, April 1, 2023

Wearing a mask is now optional for all students and instructors. If you would prefer to wear a mask during your lesson, please inform your instructor and they will oblige.

Original October, 2022, post follows:

As both school districts and public transport remove their mask requirements, and as the CDC confirms that case numbers are continuing to decrease, we’re updating our mask policy to “Masks required*” moving forward.

Coastline Academy has made changes to their Covid-19 mask policy, so check out the new rules here!

COVID-19 Mask Policy

That asterisk after “masks required” represents the idea that each student and instructor should show up to the driving lesson expecting to wear a mask, while knowing that the mask can be removed when all three of the following criteria are met:

  1. That the numbers in their county are low, per the CDC site
  2. That the student is comfortable or would prefer to remove their mask
  3. That the instructor is comfortable or would prefer to remove their mask

At the beginning of a lesson, an instructor may indicate to a student that if they would like, the student can remove their mask for this lesson.

However, if either the student or the instructor would prefer to remain masked in the vehicle, it’s understood that both will keep their mask on for the duration of the lesson. 

For our students, you can check how the CDC is classifying the risk in your county by following this link here.

Effective Date

For our COVID-19 mask policy update, these changes will be going into effect immediately. Beginning, Friday, October 14, 2022, the mask policy has changed to “Masks Required*” for all students and driving instructors.

Ready to get behind the wheel? Book your driving lesson with Coastline Academy today!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our friendly support staff. If you want to start your driver's training journey with Coastline Academy, make sure to sign up for Drivers Ed and book your driving lesson today.

About the Author

Nigel Tunnacliffe

Nigel Tunnacliffe is the co-Founder and CEO of Coastline Academy, the largest driving school in the country, on a mission to eradicate car crashes. An experienced founder and technology executive, Nigel and his team are shaking up the automotive industry by taking a technology-centric approach to learning and driver safety. Having served over 100,000 driving students across 500+ cities, Coastline was recently named the 6th fastest-growing education company in America by Inc. Magazine. Nigel is a frequent podcast guest and quoted driving education expert for major publications such as Yahoo!, GOBankingRates, and MSN.