Behind-The-Wheel Driving Requirements For Missouri
When applying to get your driver's license in the state of Missouri, the Missouri DOR has certain criteria you must first complete, which includes behind-the-wheel driving practice. With that in mind, many teens and parents want to know how many hours of driving lessons are required in Missouri. We address those behind-the-wheel driving requirements below.
Behind-The Wheel Drivers Training
For Missouri, the state requires you to do a minimum of 40 hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction and practice. For those 40 hours, a minimum of 10 hours of nighttime driving instruction between sunset and sunrise with a qualified person, grandparent or qualified driving instructor must be completed.

Driving Lessons Requirement?
Unlike other states, Missouri does not require teens to take driving lessons with a professional driving instructor. However, you can choose to take driving lessons with an instructor and those hours would count towards the 40 hours you need to complete to obtain your Intermediate License.
You have to pass the driving test at a Missouri State Highway Patrol driver examination station in order to get your driver's license, so having those driving lessons with a professional driving instructor can help you be fully prepared for that test. As an added bonus, we do offer driving lessons in Missouri!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our friendly support staff. If you want to start your driver's training journey with Coastline Academy, make sure to sign up for Drivers Ed and book your driving lesson today.
About the Author
Nigel Tunnacliffe is the co-Founder and CEO of Coastline Academy, the largest driving school in the country, on a mission to eradicate car crashes. An experienced founder and technology executive, Nigel and his team are shaking up the automotive industry by taking a technology-centric approach to learning and driver safety. Having served over 100,000 driving students across 500+ cities, Coastline was recently named the 6th fastest-growing education company in America by Inc. Magazine. Nigel is a frequent podcast guest and quoted driving education expert for major publications such as Yahoo!, GOBankingRates, and MSN.