Student taking Coastline Online Drivers Ed on iPhone

Online Drivers Education Courses

Classroom courses available in some regions

We offer premium driving education courses to help you become a safer, more confident driver for life.

Our courses are designed to provide comprehensive, up-to-date instruction on all aspects of driving, from the basics of vehicle operation to advanced skills such as defensive driving and accident avoidance. We also cover important topics such as road safety and traffic laws, as well as tips and techniques on safe driving skills, to ensure that you have the knowledge you need to pass your driving test the first time and earn a driver’s license.

Once you pass your learners permit test, we keep accompanying you through your driver education journey by getting you in a car for behind the wheel driving lessons. You came to us to learn to drive, we'll see you all the way there.

Enroll in one of our premier driving education courses today!

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How Can we Help?

Our customer service team is available from 7am to 8pm Pacific Time, 7 days a week.


Text us at (800) 489-1896.


Call us at (800) 489-1896